CTI Ready Mix Openings

Safety is at the forefront of everything we do at CTI Ready Mix. Our extensive fleet of trucks is frequently updated with the latest technology, and our drivers provide every customer with high-quality ready-mix concrete.


The Delivery Professional provides outstanding customer service by delivering a quality product safely and efficiently, always representing the company in a friendly and professional manner.


  • Must possess a valid driver’s license and either a Class A or Class B with air brakes CDL. 
  • Must pass a DOT background check, as well as maintain CDL during the time of employment.


Personal Protective Equipment

The Delivery Professional always wears the appropriate safety equipment, including:

  • Hard hat, 
  • Work boots, 
  • Safety glasses, 
  • Safety vest, and 
  • Hearing protection, as appropriate.

Daily Vehicle Inspections

  • The Delivery Professional thoroughly performs required daily vehicle inspections to prevent mechanical problems that could result in a safety incident.
  • The Delivery Professional provides a written report to the Plant Operator for approval daily.
  • Any safety-related mechanical conditions should be directed to the Plant Operator immediately.

Defensive Driving

  • The Delivery Professional drives defensively, using principles consistent with the company’s safety policy.
  • Drivers observe basic principles of road courtesy and never violate state or federal hours of service regulations.

Alertness On The Job Site

  • The Delivery Professional is alert on the job site and in the plant, always following job site/plant instructions, and is continuously watchful of potential hazards.
  • Communicates any unsafe situations immediately to dispatch.


Product Quality

  • The Delivery Professional is responsible for the slump, quantity, material size, color, and extra products in loads of concrete.
  • Communicates job site issues to management in a timely manner via ticket or mobile telephone, whichever is appropriate to the situation.
  • When relevant, the Delivery Professional should communicate job site issues that may impact company interests. For example, if the Delivery Professional notices a test improperly performed by an inspector, the Plant Operator should be discreetly notified.
  • All water added on the job site should be recorded on the delivery ticket, including noting ‘zero gallons’ if none is added.
  • The Delivery Professional must always have the delivery ticket and damage waiver signed by the person receiving concrete on the job site.

Operating Efficiency

Submission of Accurate Time Information

  • The Delivery Professional accurately records time information using the Trak-It truck tracking device.
  • They must always use Trak-It in a timely manner to ensure an accurate record of status times is created for both current and future reference.

Adherence To Time Standards

  • The Delivery Professional adheres to the allotted time standards, taking an average of fifteen minutes in the morning and fifteen minutes in the evening for start-up and shutdown time, respectively. 
  • Each day, the Delivery Professional strives for efficiency while simultaneously making safety and quality priorities. 
  • The Delivery Professional is an integral part of the company team and should submit improvement ideas and suggestions to management.


  • The Delivery Professional follows the ticketed route pre-planned by Dispatch, selecting the most direct and safe course.
  • Traffic conditions and special circumstances are communicated to dispatch and/or the Plant Operator in a timely manner to aid in both decision making and the routing of future loads.

Customer Service

A Service Attitude

The Delivery Professional endeavors to anticipate and fulfill all customer needs that do not infringe upon safety or product integrity. Their attitude should be cheerful and pleasant, with a sense of urgency.  

Handling Complaints

The Delivery Professional avoids confrontation with the customer, directing all customer complaints to dispatch for distribution to management.



The Delivery Professional is always cleanly groomed, dressed in accordance with company policy, and is in good mental and physical condition.


The Delivery Professional’s truck should be constantly kept in clean condition. The cab is kept clean and neat, and the exterior of the cab and the mixer are free from built-up concrete, road debris, and oil.

Assistance With Plant

When requested, the Delivery Professional helps with plant maintenance and keeping the plant clean and neat.

Cell Phone Use

None while driving — DOT law & company policy.

Status Box

Update at all times.

Harassment Policy

  • No sexual, racial, nationality, or gender — zero tolerance!
  • No photos of fellow workers.
  • Help your fellow driver.